Learn a Polish Phrase per Week

I love you in Polish - learn 7 ways of expressing your love in Polish September 03 2015, 0 Comments

Useful Polish phrases with audio, to express your love. 

You've met the one to be and want to tell her or him that you love them. In Polish, of course. I hope you find the following phrases good enough to express your deep feelings (you can use them when speaking to both a man and a woman):

Kocham cię. 
I love you.
Kocham cię z całego serca. 
I love you from the bottom of my heart.
Ciągle o tobie myślę.
I think about you all the time
Nie mogę przestać o tobie myśleć. 
I can't stop thinking about you.
Chcę z tobą spędzić resztę życia.
I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
Dziękuję za cudowną randkę. 
Thank you for a lovely date.
Cieszę się, że cię poznałem/poznałam.
I'm happy I've met you [speaking to a woman/man].


And a few romantic requests:

Przytul mnie! 
Give me a hug!
Pocałuj mnie!
Kiss me!
Wyjdź za mnie!
Marry me!

Women don't usually propose in Polish but if can't resist the temptation, say the following: 

Ożeń się ze mną!
Marry me!
To practice these phrases download our deck of flash cards with audio from ankiweb.net. Please give us 5 stars!

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