Above Beginner Polish Courses in London
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Learn Polish with other students because it's fun!
Join over 5000 happy students who learned Polish with us.
- We promise to teach you useful everyday phrases so that you can impress your Polish friends or in-laws.
- We promise to touch on Polish culture so that you know how to make Polish friends and avoid making faux pas.
- We promise to explain Polish grammar in an easy way and take you through the labyrinth of Polish endings almost (!) effortlessly.
- We promise to give you a lot of attention and feedback on every step of your course.
Visit us on your way home
You are very welcome to come and see us in action! Book your tester session and see how good we are. Come to our school based in central London, only a couple of minutes walk from Chancery Lane (Central Line) and Farringdon tube stations (Circle, Hammersmith & City and Metropolitan Lines).

Check out our Polish Courses
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